Sorry pal, but I can't get this to work properly.
1) The tutorial is entirely in Korean, and you can't change that. I reached the part with the big jump, but couldn't make past it, because I didn't understand what the dude on the cloud said. So I had to skip the tutorial (which isn't a great thing: tutorials are supposed to teach you how to play, if you can't understand a tutorial what's its use?)
2) In what I suppose is the "lobby" (the room with the dude on the cloud and another dude), I tried to change the language from the options menu, but the language always reverted back to Korean. So, again, I wasn't able to understand what people said;
3) After clicking "Game Start", I've been taken to a world map. I've tried to click on level 1-1, but nothing happened. I tried to click on it, to press any of the keys used in the game, even enter or space, but nothing happened. I've seen that some users said that the combat is fine, so I suppose they managed to actually start the game somehow. It would be nice if they said what to press in order to start. But that shouldn't be a burden on the shoulders of reviewers, it should be the developer's duty to address those issues.
Ok, I managed to get it to work by realoading the game. This time, the game started for real. The combat system is nice, and I love the animations of the enemies, how they get thrashed every time you hit them. I also appreciated the fact that you don't take damage just by touching the enemies, but only when enemies actually attack you (that's a rare thing in platforms).
(P.s. score updated. But you should really look into that bug that doesn't make you start the game and requires you to reaload the game itself)